General Membership Meeting Minutes

December 4, 2004


Meeting was called to order at 7:02 PM at 918 Benjamin NE, Grand Rapids.
Meeting was opened with the U.S. Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation.
Moment of silence was observed for former AO Director Orv Glombowski.

Roll Call of Officers:

Ray Novakoski, President
Dick Page, Executive Vice-President
Barbara Tubbs, Recording Secretary
Jennifer Amos, Treasurer
Jim Myszka, Maintenance Craft Director
Mike Long, Sergeant at Arms
Linda Norman, AO Director
Scott Larabel, MVS Craft Director
Bill Scutt, Clerk Craft Director

Retiree Ed Moore addressed members on the benefits of joining NARFE, National Association of Retired Federal Employees.

November General membership meeting minutes were accepted. Correction: new member’s name is Kay Kristan.

Applications for Membership:

Grand Rapids clerks: John Kent, John Olszewski, Jessica Conz

Bill from for $50.00 for tonight’s refreshments approved.

Officer’s Reports:

Treasurer’s Report: Amos: Accepted as written.

Clerk Craft Report: Scutt: Tour one start times changed from 9 o’clock to 10 o’clock. APPs being installed at P-1. The National is still fighting for these jobs. Former AO Director Orv Glombowski passed away last week. Elections are over. Bill has served on Board for 9 years. Wishes the new Board good luck. They are facing new challenges. Dan Quillan will be the new clerk craft director, and Bill will be available to help. Thanks for the opportunity to serve the membership.

AO Report: Norman: Linda's last meeting, too. Now maybe she’ll get a date on Saturday night. Still working on OWCP case in Coopersville, now has the clock rings. Nunica grievance was withdrawn. Requesting more information. PTFs in Lowell are sick of postmaster working the window. Waiting for decision on Big Rapids grievance. PTF may be made regular there. Thank you to George Hendricks for what he did at Orv’s funeral. Very sad to lose Orville. Linda has a full time job because of Orv’s efforts.

MVS Report: Larabel: Congratulations to the new Board. Been a pleasure to work with the outgoing Board. Management has reneged on past grievance settlements and National grievance resolutions. Management has totally disregarded all the work Scott and Mike Hill have done, and are totally disregarding contract. We’re not going to sit back. Cooperation has been a sham. Talk of contracting out work. Hiring casuals although they agreed to hire career drivers. Can’t appreciate Mike’s work too much.

President’s Report: Novakoski: Sunday premium settlement coming up. USPS had refused to pay the premium for those on COP and military leave, but have now agreed to pay it. Penalty overtime exclusion runs from 12/4 through 12/31. Inquiries about health plan open season. Open season has been extended to 12/28.

Committee Reports:

Election Committee: Cat Beemblossom: Gave full report on election and results.

Motion by Long 2nd Norman to accept committee report. Carried.

POWER Committee: Karen Hodges: Wish upon a Star Tree adopted a Somalian family. USPS donated two restaurant gift certificates for drawing for donors.

Retiree: George Hendricks: Election underway. 138 ballots sent out. They are due 12/15.

Unfinished Business:

Still waiting for a response from National on casual in lieu of grievance.

New Business:

Board Recommendations:

To use current budget until new the Executive Board establishes their own budget. Discussion. Carried.

To have a monthly $50.00 drawing for full dues paying members who turn in their VOE surveys, plus two $500.00 drawings at the December meeting. Tickets drawn as the monthly winner will be held out of the remainder of the monthly drawings, but all will be included in the December drawings. Discussion. Carried.

To send Linda Chandler, Jennifer Amos, and Amy Marcus to Secretary Treasurer training in Palm Springs January 20-22 with airfare, lost time, per diem, registration, taxes, lodging, ground transportation, and parking if needed. Discussion. Carried.

To expend $163.00 for new Santa suit accessories, to be stored at the Union office. Discussion. Discussion. Carried.

To purchase a 256 memory stick for WMAL editor’s camera. Carried.

Point of Personal Privilege: Larabel: Uniform rep sold Scott a large embroidered iron on patch, honoring military. Several members have shown interest in buying one. Cost is $10.00, and $1.00 from each goes to the families of soldiers slain in Iraq. The rep will be seeing Scott next week.

Motion by Jim Birman 2nd Hendricks to revoke policy of publishing financial report in the Local’s newsletter. Discussion. Carried.

Point of Personal Privilege: Don Kramer: Chansky has now agreed to lower Flag to half mast when a soldier is slain in Iraq.

Motion by Steve Austin to establish a Veteran’s committee. Ruled out of order.

Motion by Beemblossom 2nd Norman to donate $100.00 to the Wish Upon a Star family. Discussion. Carried.

January meeting will be January 8th at 7:00 pm.

Labor Management: Let an officer or steward know if you have something for L/M.


VOE $500.00 drawings: Crystal Kimble and Ron Kotowski

COPA $48.00, Glenda Novakoski $48.00

$25.00 Drawings: John Niswonger, Barbara Tubbs, Linda Yarnott, Mike Hill, Jim Myszka, Ray Novakoski, Richard Fletcher, Steve Lang, Rose Jerrils, Karen Hodges

$10.00 Door Prizes: Mike Long, Don Kramer, Dave Janes, Jack Fryling, Tammy Byrnes

Don Kramer donated $20.00 to COPA.

Adjourned at 8:38 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,

Barb Tubbs
Recording Secretary


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